Hot Water Cornbread Journey
Honey Girl Hot Water Cornbread Mix
The name Honey Girl is in honor of my mother, the late Annie “Honey Girl” Strong Parson, a Mississippian who was known among her family and friends for her delicious cornbread. Annie Strong Parson turned out the same delicious skillet of cornbread for many years, and she told all of her daughters how she did it. Unfortunately, none of her daughters could make the bread quite as good as their mother. Although my mother never made hot water cornbread, she made the best baked cornbread that I know of and I wanted to recognize her for that by using her nickname “Honey Girl”.
I started experimenting with hot water cornbread many years ago. Along the way, I was told that the original recipe for hot water cornbread was simply cornmeal and hot water, perhaps with a bit of salt. I did not care much for the original recipe. Over the years, I tried different ingredients and different measurements, and all of the results were pretty good. Everyone that ate the bread said it was good. Two of my beautiful nieces would eat the hot water cornbread by itself like cookies.
I never had an actual recipe. I would just pour out some ingredients in a bowl and add hot water. I did not develop an actual recipe until one of my sisters wanted to try making some herself. I experimented for some time, readjusting the ingredients until I got the bread to come out just as I wanted it to be – nice and crispy on the outside with just the right amount of moistness inside. I had put together the perfect measurements for the most delicious hot water cornbread that I believe can be achieved. I shared the recipe with my sister and she loved it. The bread was so good, and so easy to make, it just begged to be shared with the world. Once the idea was formed, things seem to just fall into place. In no time at all, I was packaging the cornbread mix in volumes that required just one cup of hot water. Honey Girl Hot Water Cornbread Mix was ready to be introduced to world.
There is always a time to bake the traditional skillet of cornbread with cornmeal, flour, egg, milk, salt, baking powder, and oil. You cannot have good dressing for the turkey at Thanksgiving without that good, baked cornbread! But when there is no time or desire to put together a skillet of cornbread, a ready-made mix that can be prepared with just hot water and cooked in hot oil is something that should be in every kitchen cupboard. With Honey Girl Hot Water Cornbread Mix, even an inexperienced cook can turn out a delicious batch of cornbread that can please any palate.
Honey Girl Hot Water Cornbread Mix is not just easy, it is downright delicious!
There is no doubt in our minds that you will experience something extraordinary when you pair your greens, beans, soups, and stews with bread made with Honey Girl Hot Water Cornbread Mix. We are so happy to make this wonderful product available to everyone, and we want to hear from you about your experience with
Honey Girl Hot Water Cornbread Mix.
There is no honey in our hot water cornbread mix.
Blessings and good eating to all!